JahSync: The Free Calendar Sync Solution

Monday, September 24, 2007

Time Zones and screen shots.

As some of you who have tried out JahSync may have noticed, the program is timezone sensitive. To ensure that your events are moved with the correct offsets to the desired target calendaring system, it is necessary to include the java runtime option -Duser.timezone=XXX, where XXX is your local timezone. Thus, for Toronto we might use EST (or EDT, depending on time of year).
I've also included some screenshots of the current UI in this post; be warned, JahSync is still under heavy development and these shots could be out of date within minutes of posting!

JahSync 0.41 main interface.

JahSync 0.41 service properties dialog.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

JahSync: More config options...

Since the last post was done in such a rush, I thought it would be a good idea to provide some more details on the configuration of JahSync, particularly for using the Lotus Notes sync functionality.
When you start up JahSync (in gui mode), it attempts to load all the services currently installed with the program. Currently, the program comes with services defined for Outlook, Lotus Notes, Google and Palm sync capability. Here are some configuration details for each:

In order to use the Outlook sync functions, it is necessary to copy the provided jacob.dll file to the Windows directory (or your PATH). This will allow JahSync to find your Outlook installation, and pull/push appointments from it to your other selected services.

Lotus Notes
The Lotus Notes service makes use of the IBM NotesSQL ODBC driver to pull data from Notes. Because of this, the JahSync Lotus Notes service is read-only (you can't update Lotus Notes from other services using JahSync). The first step is to download the above ODBC driver, and install. You will then need to define an ODBC DSN pointing to your Lotus Notes personal database (usually on a central server). JahSync, by default, looks for a DSN with the name "Notes", however you can customise this and provide it on the user-defined properties field in the JahSync properties dialog.


The only options required here are that the user name and password are provided in the appropriate fields in the JahSync Properties dialog.
The Palm service has been disabled, as it requires some more work to properly integrate with the Plam Hotsync mechanism.
I hope this information makes using JahSync a little easier; expect further updates and information on the program.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

We're back!! In a big way..

Well, after a year of working on all sorts of projects (of which JahSync is one), I'm really happy to get the updated version of Jahsync uploaded!
Here's what is new in this version:
  • JahSync now has a gui and a command line interface.
  • JahSync now syncs between Outlook, Lotus Notes and Google.
  • JahSync now stores properties for each sync source/target between sessions.
  • Lots of little fixes in usability and calendar details (e.g., time zone, meeting attendees and reminders)
There is no help at this point, but here are the very basic instructions:
  1. Unzip the current download zip file to a directory on your workstation. JahSync requires Java 1.5+, so don't expect it to work with anything below this.
  2. Update the jahsync.bat file to change the JAHSYNC_HOME variable to point to the directory you extracted to. If you are using *nix, you can create a corresponding shell script from the .bat file with similar environment vars. I'd do it, but I'm in a rush today.
  3. This is important for Outlook synchronisation : copy the jacob.dll file in the jacob directory of the JahSync home to your Windows or Windows/System32 directory (or put it somewhere in your PATH).
Just run the batch (or script) file. You'll notice that the batch file invokes the gui version using the --gui command line option. Running JahSync without this will put the program in command mode, where all loading and synchronisation of data has to be done manually. Again, all explanations will come later, look out for the updated version and FAQ as I continue filling out functionality.
ICAL, TXT and Palm support. Improved calendar handling, especially for recurring events.
Try it out, tell me what works, and what doesn't. This is now back in mainstream work, so you can get it on the JahSync download page.